How to Evaluate and Select Educational Technology – A Conversation

How to Evaluate and Select Educational Technology – A Conversation


October 26, 2021 from 13h00 to 14h00 EDT (New York time)

Join us for a one hour webinar with the great Stella Lee! This is a primer for Stella’s more immersive program in November that will provide a framework and set of tools for making Ed Tech decisions. This webinar will introduce several of the issues and share some quick hits and tips you can immediately apply.

So… what is this specific session all about?

With so many educational technology (ed tech) tools out there from LMS to LXP and everything in between, how do you even choose?

Is there a method to the madness of selecting and evaluating ed tech solutions? Do we need a solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI)?

How do one know if what we selected is actually working?

If you are wondering about these questions and more, then join Stella!

So, you are invited to this informal discussion and sharing of ideas on all things ed tech. We will chat about the current ed tech landscape, what are some emerging trends, and what are some ways to go about evaluating and selecting ed tech.

Hope to see you there!

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Dr. Stella Lee has over 20 years of progressive experience internationally in consulting digital learning initiatives with higher education, government, NGOs, and the private sectors. Today her focus is on enterprise-wide learning strategy and governance, digital ethics for learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and e-learning applications, learning management system (LMS) design, evaluation and learning analytics. Stella has served as subject matter expert in evaluating e-learning standards for the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and conducted postdoctoral research with iCore Research Lab at Athabasca University, Canada’s Open University. She has a doctorate in Computer Science with a focus on adaptive learning technology from the University of Hertfordshire. Stella serves as Canada’s Startup Advisor and is the technology columnist for Training Industry Magazine. She runs a consulting company called Paradox Learning Inc. and is based in Calgary, Canada.