THE MOTIVATING CHANGE: How to Create a More Motivating Environment During Big Change Initiatives

THE MOTIVATING CHANGE: How to Create a More Motivating Environment During Big Change Initiatives


Co-hosted by Nathalie Aelterman (Impetus Academy) and Matt Richter (LDA)

When: January 8, 22, and February 5 from 10h00 to 14h00 ET (New York time).


No one likes change. At least so the old adage goes. But there is some truth to this.

Have you ever been a part of a big change in your organization? Or, been the victim… ehhh… we mean… a person effected by a big change in your organization?

Or, have you ever led a big change, or initiated one and then asked others to lead it?

How did you feel? How did others feel?

Obviously, the answer depends on many factors. Such as whether you were the one who started it, or you were the one who had it “inflicted” on you. Maybe it went well. Cool! But, probably rare. As the change leader, you may have felt the change was required and an overall benefit but couldn’t quite get the team to align and support it. As a part of the effected team, maybe you completely accepted the change as necessary but found the execution stressful and problematic. Or you felt it was a stupid idea and never bought into it.

The above language describing change emotions is intended to be a bit dramatic. But we hope it highlights the emotional rollercoaster many experience when it comes to change.



This 12-hour highly interactive program (three days, four hours each day) explores all the different motivational factors that are associated with change. By the end of the series, you will:

  • Get introduced to how people are motivated when it comes to change… whether you are the leader, a change manager, or someone affected by the shift.

  • Recognize the various change contexts you may encounter as both change leaders/managers and followers.

  • Diagnose and explore the various possible impacts one can experience during organizational change initiatives— emotionally, motivationally, operationally, etc.

  • Discover the three basic psychological needs all humans have and how these needs when satisfied support a change initiative, and when undermined, can kill it!

  • Get introduced to, and apply, the COMPASS, a tool for diagnosing your change environment.

  • Receive a checklist with highly practical and actionable tactics you can take to motivationally support the change environment.

  • Work through several case studies in different organizations that will enable you to explore the impacts change can have motivationally on teams and individuals.

  • Apply the tools and what you learn to your own work contexts.

  • Practice devising both strategic and tactical plans for change— both small and global through a series of low and high-fidelity simulations.


  • Leaders

  • Managers

  • HR professionals

  • L&D practitioners

This program is co-designed by Impetus Academy and The Learning Development Accelerator. Co-hosted by Nathalie Aelterman (Impetus Academy) and Matt Richter (LDA), the program uses a very widely researched motivation model called Self-Determination Theory.


  • $150 LDA members and Impetus Academy Clients

  • $295 US Non-LDA members

This program is co-designed by Impetus Academy and The Learning Development Accelerator. Co-hosted by Nathalie Aelterman (Impetus Academy) and Matt Richter (LDA), the program uses a very widely researched motivation model called Self-Determination Theory.

Your Facilitators

Dr. Nathalie Aelterman obtained her PhD in motivation psychology from Ghent University (Belgium) in 2014, where she worked as a scientific researcher and guest lecturer until the end of 2019.  Nathalie is co-founder of and motivation expert at Impetus Academy, a spin-off company of Ghent University that supports and empowers organizations in their leadership and organizational development.

Matt Richter is co-director of LDA (The Learning Development Accelerator), a professional membership group for people in the learning and development field, where we encourage the use of research-inspired and evidence-informed practices. He is also the President of The Thiagi Group and a facilitator, game designer, instructional designer, and management consultant. Matt has consulted with, and delivered learning initiatives to, many organizations globally for the past 25 years. He is an expert in the areas of management, leadership, motivation, and performance technology. Matt recently joined the faculty as an author and instructor at EMLyon (in France), teaching systems thinking, change management, and leadership, as a part of their executive MBA program. His book, The Leadership Story: A New Model for Leadership was published in 2016.