Bring your Training and Facilitation to Life!

Bring your Training and Facilitation to Life!

from $100.00

How to engage, connect, and build trust with your audience by applying improvisation principles for learning and performance.


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Facilitating a training session, making a presentation, or giving a lecture are demanding activities. They require -amongst other things, of course- communication skills, emotional intelligence, flexibility, awareness, empathy, courage, and sometimes even risk-taking. These are not bodies of knowledge, they are skills. Skills that must be practiced, muscles that must be exercised. And Improv is the gym! 

You’re not an improviser you say? It’s not your thing? Well… actually we are all improvising all the time! None of us wakes up to find a script for the day sitting on our bedside table. We must figure out how to respond, connect, and make choices as we go along. As the world moves faster and becomes less predictable, this ability becomes harder, and good improv skills become more important to maximizing your strategic impact. And as trainers, facilitators, and leaders, these skills and mindsets pay double dividends, as you guide others to grow and develop.

In this five module live online course you will learn to apply the principles of improv to expand individual and group performance in a myriad of contexts. All sessions will be highly practical and interactive giving you tools and activities to use in your own specific contexts.

LIVE, ONLINE. All sessions will be recorded. Sign up for one. Sign up for two. Three, four, or all of them. 

When you register you will select the sessions you want to attend.

BONUSES: Sign up for five sessions, only pay for four AND receive Kat Koppett’s book “Training to Imagine”!

Session 1 - Building Trust and Environments of Safety, Courage and Belonging

In this initial session, we will explore creating environments that encourage individual and collective development, inclusivity and courage.

We will explore the principles and activities that improvisers have developed to build ensembles and support risk-taking.

We will focus on the following aspects:

  • Quick and easy ways to build group rapport in your sessions

  • How to manage unhelpful self-talk when presenting or facilitating

  • How to balance risk and safety for yourself and others 

WHEN: Monday - September 18, 2023 - 12h00 to 13h15 ET (New York Time) 

Session 2 - Exercising Listening and Awareness

The ability to be present with their partners and notice everything is undoubtedly the #1 super-power of great improvisers. Not cleverness or wit. And expert listening has the power to inspire creativity, build understanding, and connection.

In this session we will explore the what, who, and how of expert listening and we will focus on the following aspects:

  • What expert (aka Deep DIVE)  listening is

  • How to identify the barriers to good listening and awareness

  • Ways to exercise your listening and awareness “muscles”

When: Monday - October 2, 2023 - 12h00 to 13h15 ET (NEW YORK TIME)  

Session 3 - Accepting and Building with Offers

The most famous improv principle is “Yes, and”. But what does it actually mean? And how can we implement this principle as trainers and facilitators? 

In this session we will investigate the principle of acceptance and how to build with what exists - even when it might be unexpected or uncomfortable. (Spoiler alert: Yes, and doesn’t mean AGREE.)

We will focus on the following aspects: 

  • What “yes, and” really means

  • How to “yes, and” when you don’t agree

  • How employing the “yes, and” principle as a leader and facilitator shift learning, culture, and performance

    When: Monday October 16, 2023 - 12h00 to 13h15 ET (NEW YORK TIME) 

Session 4 - Engaging with Story

This oldest of communication tools taps into the fundamental way our brain makes meaning and helps us understand new concepts, engage deeply, tap into our passion, and connect with others. 

In this session, you will not just learn the power of story as a knowledge-sharing, culture-building, and problem-solving tool. You will also practice using storytelling tools and structures to strengthen your own storytelling skills immediately.

We will focus on the following aspects:

  • The three levels of storytelling

  • The six secrets for making stories compelling and memorable

  • Ways to catalyze the power of story in the moment for yourselves and others

When: Monday October 30, 2023 - 12h00 to 13h15 ET (NEW YORK TIME) 

Session 5 - Developing Presence and Connection

Presence - executive or otherwise - is often thought of as an innate quality that one has or doesn’t. But charisma can be developed! 

In this session we will explore power and status dynamics, maximizing our personal power effectiveness through our voice, body, words and actions,  and how “power literacy” can build trust and connection.

We will focus on the following aspects:

  • The different types of power and how they interact

  • The language of status dynamics

  • How deliberate behavioral choices can support or undermine focus, trust, and connection

When: Monday - November 13, 2023 - 12h00 to 13h15 ET (NEW YORK TIME)