Productive Failure

Productive Failure


FEBRUARY 8 & 15 from 10h00 to 14h00 ET (New York time)


“Fail Fast.”

“Failure is a great teacher.”

“Learn from failure.”

These are all great mantras. Great statements we can put up on the wall and nod our heads to in agreement. But, what do they mean and how do we live up to their mandate? In other words, how do we make meaning out of failure in a way that is both useful and instructive?

This one-day, highly interactive, live online workshop, spread out over two days, explores both of those overarching objectives. We will dig into the complexities of what it means to fail, different types of failure, and how failure can help us learn versus sink into utter despair! By the end of this session, you will:

  1. Define failure and how it fits into the bigger, learning process.

  2. Learn the various types of failure we encounter when learning and working.

  3. Explore how one must reflect on failure and identify what to do differently in order to benefit from it.

  4. Discover methods for making failure integral to learning and not something to be ashamed of.

  5. Uncover methods for creating the psychological safety to fail.

  6. Expect and accept failure as merely a part of the process.

  7. Practice failing and recovering through a series of short simulations— as well as reflect and learn from those failures.

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  • February 8 and 15, 2022 (Two days)

  • 10h00 to 14h00 ET both days (New York Time)


Your home. Your office. Your computer. This entire full-day program (over two days) will be delivered live online using ZOOM. You will need video capability on your device, good WIFI, and a comfy chair. Feel free to wear your pajamas.

Who Will Benefit?

  • Trainers

  • Instructional Designers

  • Facilitators

  • Teacher

  • Managers

  • Consultants

  • Leaders

  • Parents

  • Pet-Owners


A Toolkit with several job aids, references, and checklists.


  1. WHAT IS FAILURE: Failure is actually a concept idea. There are many contexts for it, many types, and many more reactions one can have when it happens. We explore all of these facets as we lay the foundation for this program.

  2. HOW DOES FAILURE AFFECT LEARNING? Learning is about improving one’s competence to perform tasks/ behaviors. Failure is potentially very informative feedback, necessary for us to get better at what we learn and what we do. Failure can also be both an effective or a demotivating outcome within that learning process. We explore how that happens and why it can have different results.

  3. OTHER MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS: We explore additional factors that support and undermine a learner’s motivation.

  4. RESILIENCE, STRESS MANAGEMENT, COPING?? Many organizations focus on training individuals to be more resilient, manager their personal stress, or become more effective at coping with the inherent struggles of “more to do with less to do it.” We summarize the research on the efficacy of this approach and propose a more amenable, systemic process.

  5. CREATING AN ENVIRONMENT THAT SUPPORT FAILURE AND BUILDS SUCCESS OUT OF IT. A systems approach is much more effective when ameliorating the stress that requires resilience. A systems approach that accepts failure as integral to success has also been shown to have positive outcomes. We explore both and share suggestions for managing and supporting environments that are more supportive for overall employee well-being.

  6. SIMULATION PRACTICE. Participants will engage in several activities that simulate opportunities to fail and rebound.


Matthew Richter Matthew is the President of The Thiagi Group. He is a facilitator, game designer, instructional designer, and management consultant. Matthew has consulted and delivered training with many organizations including Grant Thornton, Twilio, VMWare, SanDisk, Redwood Trust, CenturyLink, Imerys, EA, Microsoft, Carolina Power and Light, IGT, Cadence Design Systems, and Sony. He is an expert in the areas of management, leadership, and performance technology. He specializes in employee motivation. Matthew mixes corporate, not-for-profit, academic, and independent experience, enabling him to adapt and best serve his clients. His book, The Leadership Story: A New Model for Leadership was published in 2016. In 2020, he co-authored, LOLA: Live Online Learning Activities with his partner, Sivasailam Thiagarajan (Thiagi).

Matthew is co-organizer of LDA (the Learning Development Accelerator), a professional membership group for people in the learning and development field, where we encourage the use of research-inspired and evidence-informed practices. (